Top 10 Free Websites for Beginners to Learn Coding and Programming

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Did you know there are over 400 free online courses? These include paths and case studies for all skill levels. The COVID-19 pandemic has speeded up the growth of the global eCommerce and tech sectors. This has led to more demand for skilled programmers.

As in-person coding bootcamps and workshops became less available, people turned to online learning. This is to get the coding skills needed. If you’re starting out or want to grow your skills, the internet has lots of free resources.

You can find interactive coding lessons, tutorials, and full curricula online. These can help you learn coding for free. The options are more than ever before.

In this article, we’ll show you 10 free websites. They are great for anyone who wants to start coding and programming. From well-known sites like Codecademy to hidden gems, we’ll help you find the right place to learn.

Are you ready to learn Python, JavaScript, HTML, or CSS? There is so much free coding education out there. Prepare to find what you need to become a skilled programmer.

Key Takeaways

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has driven increased demand for skilled programmers, leading to a surge in online learning resources.
  • There are over 400 free online courses, paths, and case studies available for all skill levels, covering a wide range of programming languages and topics.
  • Well-known platforms like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Coursera offer free coding courses and certifications.
  • Lesser-known websites, such as The Odin Project and SoloLearn, provide unique and engaging ways to learn coding for free.
  • Exploring the top 10 free websites for learning to code can empower beginners to find the perfect fit for their learning style and goals.


The tech industry is booming, and the need for skilled programmers is high. Learning to code is crucial for finding jobs in the digital world. But, the cost of coding classes and bootcamps stops many from learning.

Importance of Learning to Code for Free

In our world today, skills in coding and programming are very important to employers. Code for free and you can learn these skills without spending money. This makes it easier for everyone to learn. Whether you’re starting out or already coding, there are free programming sites ready to help you.

Overview of the Article

This article will show you the best free programming sites and platforms for learning. You’ll learn about places like Codecademy and freeCodeCamp. These sites offer coding and programming courses for free. They are great if you want to code for free and learn how to code without paying.

free programming sites


Codecademy is a top online place to learn. It offers free coding classes in many languages. These include Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, HTML, and CSS. You get to learn by doing it yourself. It’s fun because you can write code and see results right away.

Interactive Learning Platform

Codecademy’s way makes you want to learn. It lets you play with code and see what happens. This helps you understand coding better. Then, you can use this knowledge for hard parts later.

Courses Offered

Codecademy has many courses for different levels. You can find ones from beginner to expert. There are classes in Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, HTML, and CSS. You pick what you like or want to learn more about.



freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that teaches coding for free. It has a vast coding curriculum with over 30,000 hours of content. This includes courses, certifications, and fun coding challenges.

Non-Profit Organization

Being a non-profit, freeCodeCamp aims to offer top-quality free online coding education to anyone, no matter their budget or coding background. Donors and corporate sponsors fund the organization. So, everything on the platform is free for all.

Certifications and Curriculum

The curriculum at freeCodeCamp is broad. It includes responsive web design, data visualization, machine learning, Python, and JavaScript. By finishing the courses and projects, learners can get certifications recognized in the industry.


Coursera is a top online learning site. It partners with great universities and companies to bring you lots of courses. You can find courses in computer science, web development, and data analysis. There are over 6,480 courses in English. This gives you a chance to learn from the best in the world.

Courses from Universities and Companies

On Coursera, you can take courses from top schools like the University of Toronto and Princeton. You can also learn from tech giants like IBM and Google. These courses help you learn Python, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing, among other cool subjects.

Verified Certificates and Specializations

Coursera has more than just courses. It offers Specializations and Professional Certificates. These let you get really good at certain fields like web development, data science, and IT. Plus, you get props for your know-how that can boost your career.

Coursera courses

There are over 1,472 computer science courses, 932 data science courses, and 339 IT courses on Coursera. This makes it great for anyone learning, whether you’re starting out or quite skilled. You can learn coding, up your data analysis game, or dive into new topics. Coursera has something for everyone.


edX is a free online program by MIT and Harvard. It gives you many courses in computer science and more. These courses are top-quality and cost nothing. It’s a great way to learn.

Open-Source Higher Education Program

Starting in 2012, edX wanted to make higher education open to all. It has many free online courses from schools like Harvard and MIT. You can learn computer science skills, such as Python, Java, and cybersecurity, for free.

Courses from Harvard and MIT

Several great schools, like Harvard and MIT, work together on edX. They offer a lot of free online courses. You can learn a lot, from basic to complex computer science.

If you’re starting or want to master Python, machine learning, or cybersecurity, edX is perfect for you. It’s free and open for everyone to use.

edX courses

free programming sites

Many free programming sites are available to teach coding and programming. You can find interactive coding lessons, tutorials, and coding challenges. Also, there are project-based learning experiences on these sites.

Codecademy is great for learning programming languages interactively. FreeCodeCamp has a full coding curriculum. Coursera offers lots of free and paid courses in computer science and web development.

There’s edX with courses from MIT and Harvard, and The Odin Project for full-stack coding. Khan Academy teaches coding courses for kids and adults. It’s all free.

If you’re new to coding or want to improve, these sites have what you need. They cover everything to help you learn to code and build your projects. Pick the one that fits your style and goals.

PlatformKey FeaturesPricing
CodecademyInteractive coding lessons, courses in various programming languagesFree, Pro version starts at $19.99/month
freeCodeCampComprehensive coding curriculum, certifications, coding challengesFree
CourseraCourses from top universities, verified certificates, specializationsFree courses, paid options from $9.99 to thousands for degree programs
edXOpen-source higher education program, courses from Harvard and MITFree courses, $50 to $300 for verified certificates
The Odin ProjectCurated full-stack coding curriculum, hands-on learning, project-based approachFree
Khan AcademyFree coding courses for kids and adults, non-profit educational platformFree

Check out these free programming sites to get started with coding. You can grow your programming skills at your own speed.

free programming sites

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a top non-profit for free coding courses. It’s for anyone who wants to learn programming. This platform offers online classes for kids and grown-ups to learn coding.

Non-Profit Educational Platform

Khan Academy started to make learning open to all. It’s free for everyone around the world. This shows their dedication to help people learn to code, no matter who they are.

Coding Courses for Kids and Adults

There are many coding and programming classes at Khan Academy. They have classes for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for beginners. For the advanced, they offer more complex subjects like algorithms and software engineering.

It’s a good place for kids or adults to start coding. And if you’re thinking of a new job, their courses can help you in today’s digital world.

khan academy

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCouseWare is a free learning website. It offers courses from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). You can find both undergraduate and graduate class materials here. This includes many computer science and programming courses.

Course Materials from MIT

MIT is one of the best schools in the world. It’s famous for its tough classes and new discoveries. MIT OpenCourseWare lets everyone learn for free. It has over 2,000 online classes in many fields.

Classes at MIT cover lots of subjects. There are courses in Humanities, Engineering, and more. Students from everywhere can study here. This is good for people in any part of their education.

On MIT OpenCourseWare, you can find many class topics. There’s Black Studies, Boat Design, and Music History, for example. Classes are taught by great professors and experts. So, you’ll learn a lot from them.

If you like computer science or another subject, you’ll find great classes here. MIT OpenCourseWare shares materials from a top school. And it’s all free.

mit opencourseware

Course NameDuration
“Machine Learning with Python”15 weeks
“Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python”9 weeks
“Global Africa: Creative Cultures”Free
“Shaping Work of the Future”8 weeks
“COVID-19 in Slums & Informal Settlements: Guidelines & Responses”4 weeks
“The Iterative Innovation Process”8 weeks
“Supply Chain Analytics”15 weeks
“Supply Chain Fundamentals”13 weeks
“Policy for Science, Technology and Innovation”8 weeks

The Odin Project

In the world of web development, the Odin Project shines brightly. It’s a top-notch open-source curriculum for those keen on full-stack web development. Offering top-notch learning content, it guides you through hands-on projects. This combo makes learning web dev both rich and practical for growing web developers.

Open-Source Curriculum

The Odin Project’s curriculum is open-source, meaning it’s always getting better thanks to lots of help. It has two main tracks to choose from: Full Stack Ruby on Rails and Full Stack JavaScript. This lets learners focus on their favorite tech areas. With so many folks Googling “learn to code,” the Odin Project stays up-to-date and useful to a wide coding enthusiasts.

Support from Student Community

Something really special about the Odin Project is the lively student community. Here, learners join forces, show off their work, and work together on hands-on projects. It’s a great place to find help, share ideas, and cheer each other on. The curriculum teaches vital HTML, CSS, Git Basics, JavaScript, and backend development. It’s a complete guide for those dreaming of becoming full-stack web developers.

the odin project


Udacity is an online learning site offering both free and paid courses. It focuses mainly on tech and computer science. You might know it for its “Nanodegree” programs. These courses are focused on career needs and do cost a fee. Yet, there are also many free coding courses. These courses are great for getting into areas like web development, data science, machine learning, and computer science.

Free Coding Courses and Nanodegrees

Udacity has already helped 2 million students. The platform offers nearly 200 free courses. These courses help people learn different programming languages and skills. Some of the popular free courses are AWS Machine Learning Foundations (2 months), Intro to Python Programming (5 weeks), Developing Android Apps with Kotlin (2 months), and many more.

Besides free courses, Udacity has Nanodegree programs. These programs offer a career-focused education in tech areas. They include web development, data science, machine learning, and computer science. While there is a fee for Nanodegree programs, they are valued by tech industry leaders. They help learners build the skills needed for tech jobs.



The world is changing fast, with 60% of new jobs needing tech skills. This makes learning to code more important than ever. SoloLearn is a cool, mobile platform that gives free coding courses. It helps you unlock the power of programming.

Mobile-Based Learning Platform

SoloLearn is not your usual online learning site. It’s made for today’s learner – busy and always on the move. With SoloLearn, you can study coding anywhere, like on the bus, in line, or during breaks. This feature is great because it fits into your busy life perfectly.

Bite-Sized Lessons and Interactive Quizzes

Learning to code with SoloLearn is fun and easy. They break down lessons into small bits and add quizzes to make sure you understand. This means you can learn at your own speed, and keep going from anywhere. You can learn popular languages like Java, Python, CSS, and JavaScript.

SoloLearn has high ratings and many awards, like App Of The Year from FB Start by Facebook. It’s also Editor’s Choice on Google Play. It won the Best Computer Coding Education Solution at the EdTech Breakthrough Award 2021. With SoloLearn, learning to code for free is easy and fun. Ready to start your coding adventure? Explore all that SoloLearn has to offer now.


What are the best free websites to learn coding and programming for beginners?

Top free websites for coding include Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Khan Academy. There are also Coursera, edX, and more. These sites teach various programming languages and improve your coding skills with free courses and tutorials.

How can I learn to code for free online?

You can use sites like Codecademy and Coursera for free coding lessons. Also, try The Odin Project for more focused learning. These choices let you build your skills at no cost and at your speed.

What are the best free coding courses for complete beginners?

For those starting out, check out Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Khan Academy. They have beginner’s courses in Python, HTML, CSS, and more. You’ll also find hands-on projects to learn the basics.

Can I learn to code for free and still get a job in the tech industry?

Absolutely, you can learn to code for free and get a tech job. Many employers seek practical skills more thanjust a degree. By using the free tools we’ve mentioned, you can create a strong portfolio and land a job.

What are the most popular programming languages to learn for free?

Popular free languages to learn are Python, JavaScript, and Java. Also, C++ and Ruby are well known. You can find many free courses for these on Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Coursera.

How can I learn web development for free?

Platforms like freeCodeCamp, The Odin Project, and Codecademy are great for web development. They focus on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll get to work on real projects and show off your skills.

What are the best free resources for learning mobile app development?

For free app development, visit Codecademy’s iOS and Android app-building courses. You can also find free courses on app making at Khan Academy and Coursera. They cover user interfaces, APIs, and app store deployment.