9 Best Blog Hosting Sites Free: Top Platforms

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As of 2024, WordPress is behind 43.4% of all sites out there. But, there are many free options for hosting blogs. These cover different needs and tastes. So, whether you’re starting or have lots of experience, you’ll find a platform to share your message.

Key Takeaways

  • WordPress, Wix, Blogger, and Squarespace are among the top free blogging platforms, each with its own strengths and features.
  • Wix offers a completely free plan with website and blogging tools, hosting, and a free subdomain.
  • WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, powering over 43% of websites, and offers a clean interface and extensive customization options.
  • Blogger is a user-friendly solution for beginners, with easy setup and integration with Google’s suite of tools.
  • Evaluating factors like ease of use, customization, and potential costs is crucial when choosing the best free blogging platform for your needs.

Best Blog Hosting Sites Free

Looking for the best free blogging platform? Consider ease of use, customization, and costs. Wix is all-in-one, offering hosting and tools for free. But, WordPress needs you to get a domain and hosting separately. Still, sometimes you can do this for free at first. Think about what you want to achieve with your blog. Do you need lots of design options or easy set-up? Finding the right platform depends on checking what features they offer and if they match your needs.

When it comes to picking a free blogging platform, looking at how easy it is to use and what customization it offers is key. Wix is great for beginners, with all you need for free. On the flip side, WordPress needs you to find your own domain and hosting. But, some places like Bluehost might help with that for free in the beginning.

Assessing Your Blogging Goals and Needs

For the best free blogging site, think about what you want to do. Do you want to control the design or just start writing? WordPress.org lets you change a lot and grows with you. Wix makes things simple and straightforward. Think hard about what’s most important to you. This will help you pick the right place to start your blog.

Wix: A Truly Free Blogging Platform

Wix is a 100% free way to make your blog. It has tools for websites and blogging, hosting, and a free subdomain. For beginners, the setup is easy with 900+ templates to pick from.

Key Features of Wix for Blogging

Wix’s site gives you many features to blog for free. You get a tool to help with blog titles, SEO tools, design tools, and ways to work with others. Plus, you can see how your readers are doing. Wix also has Google AdSense so you can make money from ads.

Customizing Your Wix Blog Design

Wix lets you make your blog look just the way you want. There are lots of free templates to choose from. Wix cares a lot about speed, so visitors have a great time on your blog.

Limitations of the Wix Free Plan

Wix’s free plan has a few things you should know. You’ll have a web address that includes Wix’s name. Plus, there will be ads from Wix on your blog. You also won’t have a lot of space or be able to do certain things, like get paid or use Google Analytics. But, you can pay for more options if you need them later on.

Even with some limits, Wix is a great way to start your blog for free. It’s perfect for trying things out or for wanting to do more later with their extra features.

WordPress: The Powerhouse of Blogging

WordPress is the top choice for many bloggers, running 43.4% of websites. It’s free to use. But, you need a domain and hosting to start. Sometimes, basic hosting is free for the first year. 000webhost offers this. Still, experts suggest paying a bit for better service, like from Bluehost, which costs around $2.75 monthly.

Setting Up a Free WordPress Blog

WordPress is known for its flexibility and customization. It has many themes and plugins. This makes it great for DIY blogging. Starting and keeping a WordPress blog up does need some tech skills. Plus, hosting is an extra cost.

Unmatched Customization Options

WordPress stands out for its many customization choices. Users can change their blog’s look and add functions they need. With lots of free and paid themes, bloggers can show their brand and style. Also, they can use plugins for more functions.

Exploring WordPress Plugins and Themes

The WordPress market has many plugins and themes for bloggers. There’s something for every need, like SEO tools or social media help. Bloggers can make their site better by trying different plugins and themes. This helps make their blog special for readers.

Blogger: Google’s User-Friendly Solution

Blogger is a free platform by Google, perfect for those starting. It’s easy to start a blog and share your ideas.

Blogger’s Ease of Use for Beginners

What’s great about Blogger is how simple it is, especially for newbies. The design and setup help you start your blog fast. You don’t need to be a tech expert.

Integration with Google’s Suite of Tools

Blogger works well with Google tools like Analytics and Adsense. This helps if you know and use Google already. It makes blogging more effective.

blogger blogging platform

Weebly: Free Website Builder with Blogging Features

Weebly is a free website builder with blogging features. This makes it great for starting a free blog. Since 2006, it has helped over 50 million websites. In 2018, Square bought the company.

Weebly’s Drag-and-Drop Editor

Weebly shines with its drag-and-drop editor. It lets anyone change how their blog looks and feels easily. Even with its free version, Weebly includes powerful online store tools and many designs.

Ecommerce Potential with Weebly

Weebly is great for selling things online. It has tools to help turn your blog into a shop. You can pick from over 360 apps to add more features. There are also over 40 themes ready to use. This mix of blogging and selling features makes Weebly stand out for free sites.

Tumblr: Microblogging for Creative Minds

Tumblr is a unique platform for free blogging. It caters to creative and multimedia-focused people. Unlike traditional blogs, it’s a microblogging site. It highlights visual content, GIFs, and short written posts.

Tumblr’s Vibrant Community

Tumblr excels in its lively online community. Here, users can find and interact with a wide variety of creative posts.

Multimedia-Focused Blogging Experience

It offers a special experience for bloggers. They can tell stories through visuals. Also, they can easily mix different media into their posts.

tumblr multimedia blogging experience

Ghost: Open-Source Blogging Platform

Ghost is an open-source blogging platform that gives a unique, simple, and clean writing experience. It’s quite popular on GitHub with about 44K stars. It focuses mainly on blogging, aiming for a straightforward look so users can fully focus on creating content. Even though Ghost isn’t as customizable as some other platforms, you can still change how your blog looks. This is done by using themes and other tools. People who like to write without any extra distractions find this very appealing.

Ghost’s Minimalist and Distraction-Free Writing

Ghost stands out for its simple and easy-to-use writing setup. One person wrote 65 articles in 5 months using their own Ghost platform, and they just spent $5 a month. This shows how Ghost helps writers concentrate on their stories without getting lost in extra features.

Customizing Ghost with Themes and Integrations

Ghost might not let you customize things as much as others, but you can still change how your blog looks. It works as a headless CMS, which means you can control how the content is shown from the front-end. You do this by talking between the back-end and the front-end through an API. Ghost also makes it easy to have URLs that are good for SEO and to add features like different comment sections. This makes your blog more functional and pulls in your readers more.

Setting up and keeping Ghost going might need a bit more tech know-how compared to other sites. But, its straightforward design and options for customization make it a top pick for those who just want to write without any distractions. Plus, you can shape your blog to fit exactly what you want.

Medium: Blogging on a Renowned Platform

Medium is a popular blogging space where writers can share their work. It’s well-known for its big reader community. This makes it easier for new writers to get noticed. It’s also designed for easy reading on any device, giving a good experience to readers. Although it’s not as customizable as some platforms, its strong points include focusing on great content and connecting with readers.

Leveraging Medium’s Built-In Audience

Posting on Medium means connecting with a lot of readers already there. This can boost your writing’s reach quickly. It’s much easier than starting on your own, less popular site.

Medium’s Clean and Responsive Design

Medium is known for its sleek, readable design on any screen. For writers, this means making a nice impression on readers. It also helps keep readers focused on what’s important – your content.

medium blogging platform

Jekyll: Static Site Generator for Bloggers

Jekyll is a tool for making static websites. It’s perfect for bloggers. It’s known for being simple and fast. This makes your site quick and efficient. Jekyll is different from systems that use dynamic content. It’s all about being light and doing what a blog does best.

Jekyll’s Simplicity and Speed

Jekyll stands out because it’s easy to use and quick. By making your blog into static HTML files, it loads fast. Your readers will have a smooth time browsing. This matters a lot today for making people stay on your site and for showing up high in online searches.

Hosting Options for Jekyll-Based Blogs

Jekyll lets you host your blog in many places. You can use places like GitHub Pages for free and reliable hosting. This means you can spend more time writing and less time worrying about where you’re publishing your work.

Jekyll is all about easy use, quick loading, and many options for where to host your blog. It’s a great choice for anyone who wants their blog to perform well and be easy to manage. It works for both new writers and those with experience, offering a solid start for any blogging journey.

Hugo: Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator

Hugo is great for bloggers. It stands out for its speed and making web pages. Bloggers love this because their work loads fast, offering readers a smooth visit. It also lets bloggers change how their blog looks and works with themes and plugins. This mix of speed and customization makes Hugo an excellent choice. It’s perfect for those wanting a quick, free way to blog.

Hugo’s Performance Advantages

Hugo is super quick, building a site in less than a second. It handles lots of content types and more, all without needing extras. There are ready-to-use templates for features like SEO and commenting. Adding these is easy, needing just a single line of code. For sites in many languages, Hugo is also a good pick. Making sites in several languages is simple with Hugo. People have noted that even small sites build in an incredibly short amount of time, like *18 ms*. Hugo works on different systems too, meaning set-up is straightforward for most users.

Customizing Hugo with Themes and Plugins

There are over 300 themes for Hugo. This big collection helps make your blog look just how you want. Many people help make Hugo better since it’s open-source and free for all to work on. This support means bloggers can find themes and plugins that fit their blog’s unique style and needs.

hugo static site generator

Choosing the Best Free Blog Hosting Platform

When picking the top free blog host, make sure to look at what each offers. Some sites, like Wix, give you a free place to blog. But places like WordPress need you to get your own web name and hosting. It’s free at first sometimes.

Think about how easy it is to use, what you can change, and how much space and speed you get. Also think about any costs for special features or a unique web name.

The best one for you should balance what it costs with what it lets you do. Make sure it fits your blogging goals well. Pick the one that helps you start and improve your online journal.

Evaluating Features and Limitations

It’s key to look at what each free host offers. Content Hub has free and paid versions with almost no downtime. SiteGround is good for blogs with up to 100,000 visits a month. They’ve got three plans to choose from. Bluehost gives good deals and a free web name for a year. They offer different types of hosting plans.

Balancing Cost and Functionality

Look for a blog host that gives a good mix of what you need and the price. How much it costs was 20% of what made a host the best. They looked at if it’s free or how cheap it starts, and what extras you get. What it can do, like to show videos or photo/ It can drag and drop, help with getting people to see your blog online, and data on who visits, made up 25%.

Other good stuff, like a free web name and selling stuff online, counted for 20%. They also checked what people said online. It had to have at least 3.5 stars out of 5. This counted for 5%. Experts gave 30% of the score. They looked at how many people use it, if it’s worth it, easy to use and what makes it special based on what people say and think.

By looking at these details, you can find a free blog host that works well for you. It should be good for what you need and want to do with your blog.

Setting Up Your Free Blog

First, pick the best free blog platform for you. Then, it’s time to set up your free blog. You will need a domain name. This might come free with your hosting.

Registering a Domain Name

Choosing a good domain name is key. You can use a free subdomain like “yourblog.wixsite.com.” Or choose a paid custom domain for a pro look. Your hosting might provide a free custom domain for the first year.

Configuring Your Blog’s Settings

Setting up your blog varies by platform. This includes design, privacy, and menus. Platforms can guide you to set everything up fast.

Optimizing for Search Engines

Make sure your blog is found by search engines. Do keyword research and use SEO best practices. This will help your blog get noticed by more people.

With a well-set-up and SEO-friendly blog, you’re off to a great start. It will help you connect with your audience online.

Promoting and Growing Your Blog

Once your blog is up, focus on growing it. Make great blog posts that people want to read. Use social media to get more readers and fans. Email your top fans to keep them coming back for more.

Content Marketing Strategies

Writing interesting blog posts is key. They should help people and stand out. Use the right words that people are looking for. Also, turn your posts into videos or other fun stuff to reach more people.

Social Media Promotion Tactics

Use social media to tell more people about your blog. Pick the best networks for your readers. Share your posts and talk to your followers. Use Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to show your knowledge and get more clicks. You can work with others to share your blog with their followers too.

Building an Email List

Building an email list is smart. It lets you talk directly to your biggest fans. Give something cool for signing up, like a helpful guide. Then, send out emails with your latest blog news. This keeps your fans close and coming back to your site.


In the world of free blog hosting, many platforms can help you start up and expand your digital diary. Wix is a good option. It offers a free plan with hosting and a free subdomain. WordPress is another powerful choice, running 43.4% of websites online. Besides, there’s Tumblr, best for sharing media like memes or GIFs. Then, there’s Ghost, known for its simple design and social media links. Each platform, even if it’s free, brings different benefits and limits.

To pick the right free blog platform, think about what you want to achieve. If you’re just starting, or if you’re already into writing, there is an ideal platform for you. With the best tools and tips, it’s possible to make an influential blog for free. You can share your message without needing a huge budget.

There are almost two billion websites worldwide. Blog sites make up over 600 million of them. Every year, they produce more than three billion posts. While some bloggers make over $100,000 yearly, most earn under $100 monthly on places like Medium. Still, with so many free blogs available, you can find a great start for your own. Who knows, it might become a successful and fulfilling journey for you.


What factors should I consider when choosing a free blogging platform?

When picking a free blogging platform, look for easy use, many options to customize, and if there are extra costs. For example, Wix gives a truly free way to start. But WordPress needs you to get your own name and place to save your blog, which can sometimes be free at first.

What are the key features of Wix for blogging?

Wix lets you start a blog for free. You get easy-to-use tools for your website and blog, plus a spot to be online, and a free subdomain. There are over 800 looks you can choose for your blog’s style.

What are the limitations of the Wix free plan?

The free plan from Wix means you get a Wix web address, see Wix ads on your site, and have small storage and space. You also can’t get paid or use Google Analytics.

How do I set up a free WordPress blog?

Using WordPress is free. But for a full blog, you need to get a name and hosting. Companies like 000webhost might offer to host your site free for a year. They do limit how much you can store and use, and may delete inactive sites.

What are the customization options with WordPress?

With WordPress, you have lots of ways to make your blog unique. There are thousands of looks and add-ons to change how your blog works and looks.

What are the key advantages of Blogger for blogging?

Google’s Blogger is free and easy to use. It works well with Google’s tools like Analytics and Adsense.

What makes Weebly a versatile free blogging option?

Weebly lets you build a blog for free, with an easy editor to change how it looks. You can also sell things on your blog.

How does Tumblr cater to a creative and multimedia-focused audience?

Tumblr is all about sharing images, GIFs, and short posts. It’s good for sharing stories with lots of media.

What are the key advantages of using the Ghost blogging platform?

Ghost lets you focus on writing, with a clean and simple interface. It’s good for those who care a lot about the words they write.

How can bloggers leverage the Medium platform?

Medium helps you find readers because many people already read stuff there. It’s also easy to read on different devices.

What makes Jekyll a suitable choice for bloggers?

Jekyll makes fast and simple blogs, perfect for writers and creators. You can even host your site for free on GitHub Pages.

What are the advantages of using Hugo for blogging?

Hugo is very fast and lets you make your blog look just how you want. It’s great for those who like to make things exactly as they like.

What factors should I consider when selecting the best free blogging platform?

Pick a blog platform that fits your needs. Look at how easy it is to use, how much you can change things, and the space and extra costs. This will help you make the right choice for you.

How do I set up my free blog?

To start, get a name for your blog. Sometimes your hosting place will give you a name for free. Then, make your blog look how you want. Change settings like who can see it and how it looks. Also, make sure people can find your blog when they look online.

How can I promote and grow my free blog?

To get more readers, make posts that are useful and fun to read. Share them on social media and talk to your readers there. You can also ask people to join an email list to keep up with your blog.