7 Best Free Craft Inventory Software for Small Business

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If the thought of a cluttered craft room and piles of inventory records gives you the jitters, worry not, for the solution is at hand – Craft Inventory Software. This nifty tool, specifically designed for craft enthusiasts like you, aims to make managing your handcrafted treasures a breeze. This article explores the multifaceted advantages of adopting this software for your crafting business.

Imagine all your craft products, supplies, and sales information neatly cataloged in one central location! A dream, isn’t it? But that’s what craft inventory software does – it’s your genie in a bottle, working tirelessly to bring order to your creative chaos. So, let’s delve deeper into this magical world of hassle-free craft management.

Stay tuned as we unravel how this software can streamline your business, saving you time, reducing human error, and potentially boosting your sales!

What is Craft Inventory Software?

When you’re immersed in the world of crafting, Craft Inventory Software could be your new best friend. But what exactly is it? This nifty tool is a specially designed system that aids crafters in seamlessly tracking products, materials, and sales.

Imagine having a personal assistant who keeps an eye on your stock levels, alerts you about low supplies, and even helps track how well your items are selling. That’s pretty much what a Craft Inventory Software does. It’s a centralized hub where all your inventory data lives, letting you easily manage your craft business.

With such software, you can say goodbye to the chaos of scattered spreadsheets and the daunting task of paper tracking. The craft inventory software streamlines your operation, making it easier to find specific products, identify bestsellers, and spot items that might soon be out of stock. So, it’s time to embrace the age of digitization and let craft inventory software take your crafting business to the next level.

Benefits of Using Craft Inventory Software

Stepping into the world of Craft Inventory Software unfolds a myriad of benefits. This powerful tool puts the power of organization at your fingertips, obliterating the need for spreadsheets or paper records. Your entire product range, right down to each glittery bead, can be efficiently managed in one central location.

Think about the time-saving aspect. As artists, we’d rather spend more time creating masterpieces than inputting data. Craft inventory software allows you to update stock levels swiftly, run reports on hot-selling items, and predict inventory needs while freeing up your precious time.

Imagine the luxury of barcode scanning, a feature often included in craft inventory software. This mechanized wizardry eradicates the risk of human error in data entry, ensuring clean, accurate records.

The cherry on top? The customization capabilities. Not only can you categorize products and set price points, but adding product images will give your inventory that extra professional sheen. And for those selling their crafts online, many software options offer integration with e-commerce platforms like Etsy or Shopify, automating inventory updates post-sale. Now, if that’s not a game-changer, what is?

7 Best Free Craft Inventory Software for Small Business



CraftyBase offers insights into the cost of goods sold, profit margins, and real-time inventory levels. This enables creators to make informed business decisions and stay ahead of their competition.

One standout feature of CraftyBase is its ability to create detailed product listings with comprehensive information on materials used, production time, and pricing. This makes it easier to manage individual items and provides valuable data for future pricing strategies.

The platform seamlessly integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Etsy and Shopify, streamlining the online listing process.

Crafters and jewelers using CraftyBase have reported significant time savings through the automation of repetitive tasks such as stock updates and purchase order generation.

The software’s ability to generate comprehensive reports on sales trends and top-selling products has also empowered users to fine-tune their marketing strategies for maximum impact.

As the demand for handcrafted goods grows, a reliable inventory management tool like CraftyBase has become essential for staying competitive in these thriving industries.

Craft Maker Pro

CraftMaker Pro

Craft Maker Pro is revolutionizing the way craft makers manage their inventory. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, this free craft inventory software is a game-changer for small businesses and independent creators.

Craft Maker Pro empowers craft makers to make informed decisions and streamline their operations by providing real-time tracking of materials, products, and sales.

One of the most compelling aspects of Craft Maker Pro is its ability to centralize all aspects of a craft business into one cohesive platform. Gone are the days of juggling spreadsheets, paper records, and disparate systems – with Craft Maker Pro, everything you need is at your fingertips. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors and missed opportunities.

With Craft Maker Pro on their side, artisans can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time doing what they love – creating beautiful crafts that customers adore.


Emerge free craft inventory software

Crafters and jewelers rejoice for Emerge offers free craft inventory software that streamlines the management of your creative materials.

With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, this software provides a seamless solution for tracking supplies, managing stock levels, and organizing product details.

Thanks to Emerge’s intuitive design, crafters can now spend less time on administrative tasks and more on their artistic pursuits.

Furthermore, Emerge goes beyond basic inventory management by offering insights into cost analysis and sales trends.

By utilizing this data-driven approach, crafters can make informed decisions about pricing strategies and identify popular products. This enhances efficiency and empowers artisans to optimize their business potential.


Odoo streamlines the entire inventory process, enabling crafters to focus more on their creative work. With its user-friendly interface and customizable options, Odoo provides an intuitive solution for organizing stock levels, monitoring product movement, and optimizing order fulfillment.

Moreover, Odoo goes beyond basic inventory management by integrating it with other essential business functions such as sales, invoicing, and customer relationship management. This seamless connection allows crafters and jewelers to gain a holistic view of their operations – from sourcing materials to selling the final creations – all within a single platform.

Additionally, its scalability means that businesses can seamlessly add new modules to cater to their evolving needs without disrupting their workflow as they grow.

With Odoo’s free craft inventory software at their disposal, crafters and jewelers can unlock new levels of efficiency and productivity in managing their creative endeavors.


Zoho offers a free version of its craft inventory software, making it an accessible choice for small businesses and independent creators.

Furthermore, Zoho’s platform enables crafters to generate detailed reports on stock levels, sales performance, and customer preferences. This valuable data empowers artisans to make informed decisions about product offerings and marketing strategies.

In addition, the software’s integration capabilities with e-commerce platforms provide a seamless experience for managing online storefronts and fulfilling orders.


Square software enables users to generate reports on popular items, trends, and best-sellers, empowering crafters and jewelers to make informed business decisions.

Furthermore, Square’s inventory software for crafters and jewelers integrates seamlessly with its point-of-sale system, streamlining the entire sales process. This saves time, provides valuable insights into customer preferences, and helps maintain stock levels.

Moreover, with the option to set up low-stock alerts and automate purchase orders through the software, artisans can minimize disruptions in their operations while ensuring they always have the necessary supplies at hand.


With SalesBinder’s user-friendly interface and robust features, you can easily organize your supplies, monitor stock levels, and generate detailed reports – all essential for running a successful crafting or jewelry business.

What sets SalesBinder apart is its seamless integration with e-commerce platforms like Etsy and Shopify. This means that as a crafter or jeweler, you can effortlessly sync your online sales channels with your inventory management system.

ABC Inventory

ABC Inventory offers a free craft inventory software solution with features tailored specifically for the unique needs of crafters and jewelers; this software allows users to catalog materials easily, track item quantities, and organize their product listings.

The user-friendly interface of ABC Inventory makes it accessible to even the least tech-savvy individuals, offering a seamless experience for managing intricate inventories.

Crafters can now spend more time creating stunning pieces instead of getting weighed down by tedious inventory tasks.

How Craft Inventory Software Can Streamline Your Business

The impact of craft inventory software on your business efficiency can be game-changing. Your decision-making process becomes more streamlined and informed, with everything centralized and organized.

  1. It facilitates inventory management, enabling you to monitor stock levels and identify hot-selling items effortlessly. This allows you to plan your crafting schedule effectively.
  2. You can optimize your sales strategy with real-time updates and analytics, potentially increasing customer satisfaction and sales.

Moreover, the software plays a crucial role in streamlining business processes, which is vital for long-term success. By automating repetitive tasks and reducing the risk of human error, you’re freeing time to focus on creating and innovating – key factors driving a successful crafting business.

In essence, craft inventory software does more than just track inventory. It becomes an integral part of your business operations, paving the way for enhanced productivity and growth.

Choosing the Right Craft Inventory Software

There’s a kaleidoscope of craft inventory software options out there, each with a unique blend of features. But how do you choose the one that fits your crafting business like a glove?

  1. Consider Your Needs: Are you a digital artisan selling on Etsy, or do you have a small brick-and-mortar store? Your unique business needs will guide your choice.
  2. Look at the Features: Make sure your chosen software has features like barcode scanning, e-commerce platform integration, and customizable options.
  3. Check User Reviews: They can provide valuable insights into the software’s usability and reliability.

In essence, choosing the right craft inventory software is like picking the perfect thread color for your next masterpiece. It’s an art in itself, one that can lead to a beautifully streamlined business.

Implementation and Training

Implementing new software into your business routine can be much like learning a new craft technique: it might seem tricky at first, but with adequate training and practice, it becomes second nature. Craft inventory software is no exception to this rule.

  1. Implementation: To begin with, you’ll need to input your existing inventory into the system. This might take some time, but think of it as a one-time investment for future efficiency. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?
  2. Training: Some craft inventory software providers offer training resources like tutorials and customer support. Don’t hesitate to use these resources! They’re there to turn you from a beginner into a craft inventory software whizz in no time.

In short, implementing and mastering craft inventory software is a process that, while it may have a learning curve, pays off in increased organization, productivity, and time saved. As with any good craft, patience and perseverance are key.


In the realm of arts and crafts, every minute is precious. The crafting process is often laborious and time-consuming. With the aid of craft inventory software, you can streamline your operations, saving valuable time that can be better spent on honing your artistic skills and creating beautiful pieces. This tool is not just an organizational asset; it’s a potential catalyst for business growth and productivity.

From managing stock levels, tracking sales, and reducing human error to integrating with e-commerce platforms, the benefits of craft inventory software are manifold. Moreover, its customization features allow for a system tailored perfectly to your unique crafting business.

As we leave you to contemplate the possibilities, remember that every tool we’ve discussed is ultimately aimed at helping your crafting business thrive. Implementing craft inventory software could be the game-changer you’ve been searching for. So, why wait? Start exploring the potential of this software and take your crafting business to the next level today.