How to Wake up Windows 10 from Sleep mode?
Window 10 sleep mode is a good way to preserve energy and maintain the good state of PC hardware. When you are not working, you either put PC in sleep mode or hibernate mode. Sleep …
Window 10 sleep mode is a good way to preserve energy and maintain the good state of PC hardware. When you are not working, you either put PC in sleep mode or hibernate mode. Sleep …
Notepad or Sticky notes are most widely used applications of Microsoft. These are easy to use, simple and light to the machine. The only advantage of Sticky notes is that it has auto-save facility and …
Notepad is one of the most used text editor of Windows 10 and it is known for its simplicity. It is quick to start, easy to use and fast even in under-powered hardware. Sometimes it …
It is well known that one of the quickest way to open or access any program or file are through shortcut keys. Some of the shortcut keys are pre-defined and are used on a daily …
Sticky Notes are widely used Notes app to create and save notes inWindows 10 PC desktop. Also, it comes preinstalled Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app in Windows 10. Sticky Notes has also updated and has …