How to Upload Files to Hostgator Using cPanel

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How to Upload Files to Hostgator Using cPanel


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You can easily upload files to Hostgator using cPanel through the File Manager.

Here is step by step procedure to upload files to Hostgator.

Step 1: In order to upload files to Hostgator, you have to first login to Hostgator cpanel with login credential.


Hostgator cPanel Login


Step 2: After successfully login, it will redirect to the Hostgator cpanel admin area. Scroll down to the “Files” section and Click “File manager” icon Control Panel File Manager


Step 3: It will pop-up dialog box. There will be four options:

  • Home Directory
  • Web Root (public_html/www)
  • Public FTP Root (public_ftp)
  • Document Root for: Control Panel pop-up

Now the question arises, Which one to choose:

You have two options:

1) If you are running a single site then choose option Web Root (public_html/www)

2) If you are running multiple site, then choose Document Root from. Now you have to choose a site (where you want to upload a file from the drop down menu and hit go

Step 4: Click “Upload” from top menu and then click browse to select a file. After selecting upload files to Hostgator.


Hostgator cPanel File Manager upload


1) If you have a single file, then you can directly upload from your computer

2) If you have multiple file, then first of all zips it, then uploads from your computer. After uploading, unzip it with “Extract” option, build in your Hostgator control Panel



Hostgator cPanel File Manager Extract file


Now you are done with file uploading to Hostgator using cPanel.

For Reference, below video help you more to get closer look


If you mess up anywhere while uploading files to Hostgator, do comment below. We would be happy to reply you as soon as possible. Don’t forget to get the benefit of Hostgator coupon.