8 Best React Redux Tutorial for Beginners: React and Redux Tutorial

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React is an awesome JavaScript library that is in more demand than ever to create interactive and data driven user interfaces in web applications.

Recent speculations are that the demand for React developers has increased by 160% and the skill will fetch you among the top paid developer category.

Best React Redux Tutorial for Beginners

Also, if you are in a project that demands mastery in Redux and React Native, my top 8 React Redux tutorial for beginners is going to make your life easy.

Best React Redux Tutorial for Beginners

Modern React with Redux (Udemy)

Course Price: $179.99

Ratings from Students: 4.6 out of 5

No. Of Students Enrolled: 99,891+

About the Course: This bestselling course from Stephen Grider is the perfect choice to learn React Redux tutorial for beginners.

You will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of React and Redux as you build React components and structural applications with Redux.

The course covers core concepts in React and Redux such as JSX, props, state, event handling, reducers, action and state tree and explains in detail how to implement them in action.

The course is regularly updated and the source code is provided after each lecture for your reference.

Student’s Response: It is one of the most popular choices and is rated as one of the best React Redux tutorial to learn online.

Close to one lakh students have already taken the course and the feedback section is mostly in praise for the course content and its instructor.

Some of the reviews from the feedback section:

  • This course is a must have if you are serious about understanding Fundamentals React & Redux Concepts.
  • Excellent explanations. I have re- watched this course several times to absorb all the detail and information.
  • Would recommend overall, good learning experience.
  • Learnt the basics of React and Redux. I would recommend beginners to go through this one.

Know more about the course

The Complete React Native and Redux Course (Udemy)

Course Price: $94.99

Ratings from Students: 4.6 out of 5

No. Of Students Enrolled: 64,030+

About the Course:

If you are specifically looking to learn how to build React components for mobile devices, this course from Stephen is worth your time.

You will deeply understand important React concepts and terminologies like JSX, props, state, event handling and how to create reusable components in apps.

The course helps you prototype and deploy your own applications to Apple and Google Play store.

Student’s Response:

Most of the Stephen courses are bestsellers in Udemy and this course is no exception. More than 60000 students have already enrolled and the ratings have been excellent till date.

Some of the reviews from the feedback section:

  • Overall, an excellent course, better than I expected and I learned a lot.
  • Really awesome. He sees the course from learner’s shoes and explains each concept to the depth.
  • I learn a lot of applicable knowledge and it was worth every penny.

Know more about the Course 

Building Applications with React and Redux in ES6 (Pluralsight)

Course Price: Subscription based – $29 monthly

Ratings from Students: 5 out of 5

No. of Students Enrolled: 1055+

About the Course:

This is an equally popular and top notch quality course to learn React and Redux at Pluralsight.

The course provides you foundational knowledge of React and Redux in ES6 before you move onto more advance concepts.

The course teaches you how to use Redux, React Router, Webpack, Babel, ESLint, npm scripts, Mocha, Enzyme and ES6 to build React applications from scratch.

Know more about the course 

Getting started with Redux (Egghead)

Course Price: Subscription Based (Monthly $40)

About the Course:

I personally love Egghead tutorials as they come straight from subject matter experts.

The React and Redux Tutorial is created by Dan Abramov who is one of the creators of Redux.

The Redux fundamental course teaches you how to use and manage ‘state’ when you use React application with Redux.

The course laid emphasis on Redux fundamentals such as the state management so that you can apply Redux framework with improved user interfaces.

This is part 1 of the excellent Redux video series from Dan and once you completed this course, check the part 2: Building react applications with idiomatic Redux without fail. 

Know more about the Course 

Become a Professional React Developer (Udacity Nanodegree Program)

Course Price: $499

Course Duration: 4 months

Ratings From Students: 4.5 out of 5

About the Course:

If you are ready to invest time and money in becoming a proper React Developer, then Udacity Nanodegree program will amp up your React skills.

The Nanodegree program will teach you how to build web UI’s with React and React Native and how to manage state properly using Redux.

The Course curriculum includes React and Redux Fundamentals, all about React component model, how to compose user interfaces to build apps, how to use React to build web apps and develop React applications on Mobile devices.

Student’s Response:

Udacity Nanodegree programs are carefully curated to cater to the current industry needs and are always top notch in quality.

Some of the reviews from the feedback section:

  • Extremely clear and well laid out didactic material. Very good support.
  • Well designed projects are best parts of this course.
  • It is well designed and gives you a hands-on practice program.
  • The videos are focused and the code reviews tend to be quite useful.

Know more about the Course 

The Complete React Web Developer Course (with Redux) (Udemy)

Course Price: $99.99

Ratings from Students: 4.8 out of 5

No. Of Students Enrolled: 20,950+

About the Course:

This React Redux tutorial by Andrew Mead is a fantastic course especially for those launching their own React applications or looking to become a React Developer.

The course will teach you how to build and launch React web applications using React Fiber, Redux, Webpack, React-Router v4,etc.

By the end of the course, you will become a professional React developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.

Student’s Response:

The course ratings have been consistent at 4.8 from a huge 5000+ students and 20000 students have already enrolled in the course.

Some of the reviews from the feedback section:

  • Just finished this course! Extensive, yet so informative with no details left out!
  • The delivery of the course is excellent – technically everything is perfect and spot on.
  • Andrew is extremely clear in explaining things and the pace is perfect, starting with the basics of React and walking through the more complex stuff.
  • You get hands-on experience building two simple web apps, including using Git and eventually deploying the second one on Heroku.

Know more about the course 

React.js: Getting Started (Pluralsight)

Course Price: Subscription Based (Monthly $29)

Ratings from Students: 4.6 out of 5

No. Of Students Enrolled: 1,562+

About the Course:

If you want a good course that just covers the basics of React, make sure to check this course at Pluralsight.

The course talks about the React.js basics, how to prepare yourself as a beginner with React library when you start building web applications.

You will be introduced to a simple in-browser kid game and know how to use React.js with that web application.

Know more about the course 

Redux Fundamentals (Pluralsight)

Course Price: Subscription Based (Monthly $29)

Ratings from Students: 4.6 out of 5

No. Of Students Enrolled: 37+

About the Course:

Another useful Redux React tutorial to understand the importance of Redux while creating scalable apps.

The course helps you explore a React app that has state problems and how to use Redux to fix these state problems.

By the course end, you will know how to add Redux to an existing app or how to migrate an React app to Redux.

Know more about the course 

React Redux Tutorial for Beginners: Blog posts and Other Useful resources

Official React Tutorial: As a beginner, go through the official React Documentation to get a good hold on the theoretical aspects of React.

React: A JavaScript Library for building User Interfaces 

Redux Basics 

Other Learning Resources: Redux Official Site 

Useful Blog Posts to read on React and Redux Framework: 

React Redux Tutorail for Beginners: The definitive Guide (2018) by Valentino Gagliardi 

React Redux Tutorial: A beginner’s Guide to Redux by Jim Karg 

A Beginner’s introduction to working with redux in react by Aurel Kurtula 

Getting Started with React Redux: An Intro by Yang-Hsing

Happy Learning!